Our Facilities

Our State-of-the-Art Distribution Centers

We believe that none of us are perfect. But keeping things right is the kind of ethos we share at EFL 3PL. Our distribution centers are strategically located near major airports and ports and serve as hubs of efficiency where demand thrives. Each of these centers are tailored to meet specific requirements, ensuring maximum capacity to handle peak demand. Embracing a rhythm that resonates with your business, we operate at precise times that synchronize seamlessly with your needs.

A thriving hub strategically located near the prestigious Colombo port. BOI-approved and serves as the major fulfil-ment center for locally and globally supplied multi-category finished goods. This dust-free and air-conditioned facility houses multi-vertical, multi-client items and possesses 16 docks with levelers for high throughput.
Central Finished Good Fulfillment Center
Located in proximity to the Katunayake International Airport and the Colombo Port, this holds the distinction of being Sri Lanka’s first private commercial freeport. The EFL Global Freeport offers an array of services, encompassing multi-country consolidation, entrepot operations and a range of value-added services in the tax-free environment. Our com-mitment lies in supporting export-oriented businesses.
EFL Global Freeport Fulfillment Center
Situated just outside of the vibrant Colombo city and close to the highway system, this fulfillment center is the central raw material hub and manages end-to-end supply of apparel cargo. This BOI-approved facility has a relatively high throughput and serves as the central fulfilment center.
Central Raw Material Fulfillment Center
Located strategically with access to multiple routes, Kandana Site is home to Sri Lanka's largest apparel raw material operation, with a capacity for up to 65,000 fabric rolls. This BOI-approved facility caters specifically to the BOI com-panies.
Kandana Fulfillment Center
Located 500m away from the Customs Central Verification Terminal, this site can provide multiple bonded solutions such as Multi Country Consolidation, Entrepot, etc.
Orugodawatta Custom Bonded Fulfillment Center

Our Facilities

Clients' Facilities Managed By EFL 3PL

Taking the weight off your shoulders

Our clients across diverse industries place their trust in us to efficiently manage their distribution centers, backed by cutting-edge technology. Our staff are experts in all aspects of logistics compliance, so you can be sure that your goods are handled safely and securely. But what really sets us apart is our commitment to innovation. We’re not afraid to think outside the box and come up with solutions that meet your specific needs.

With EFL 3PL as your logistics partner, you can experience seamless operations, tailored to optimize your supply chain and elevate your business to new heights.

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Logistics Park
Logistics Park

Distribution Center Management

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